KINGS Re-Institute is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and opportunities for boys in the juvenile justice system. 

Overall, a successful juvenile justice program for boys and young men of color should be tailored to the unique needs and experiences of this population and should aim to reduce their involvement in the justice system while promoting positive growth and development.



  • Rehabilitation: To help juvenile-involved boys reintegrate into society as responsible and law-abiding citizens.
  • Education: To improve academic performance and promote a love for learning.
  • Emotional Well-being: To address emotional and mental health needs and build resilience.
  • Life Skills: To equip participants with essential life skills for independent living.
  • Positive Peer Relationships: To foster healthy friendships and connections.
  • Community Engagement: To encourage community involvement and a sense of belonging.


The K.I.N.G.S. RE-INSTITUTE Initiative envisions the development of model reentry programs that begin in detention institutions and continue throughout an offender's transition to and stabilization in the community. These programs will provide for individual reentry plans that address issues confronting offenders as they return to the community. The Initiative will encompass three phases and be implemented through appropriate programs:

Three primary Stages of KINGS Re-Institute:

  • Phase 1— KINGS Protect & Prepare (Institution-Based Programs)
  • Phase 2— KINGS Control & Restore (Community-Based Transition Programs) 
  • Phase 3—KINGS Sustain & Support (Community-Based Long-Term Support)

Phase 1—Protect and Prepare: Institution-Based Programs

These programs are designed to prepare offenders to reenter society. Services provided in this phase will include education, mental health and substance abuse treatment, job training, mentoring, and full diagnostic and risk assessment.

These are programs within the institution designed to facilitate re-entry and that can assist youth in the areas of education, substance abuse treatment, job training, etc.

Institution-based programs

  • Designed to prepare juveniles to reenter society
  • Services include education, mental health and substance abuse treatment, job training, mentoring, and full diagnostic and risk assessment

Phase 2—Control and Restore: Community-Based Transition Programs

These programs will work with youth prior to and immediately following their release from correctional institutions. Services provided in this phase will include, as appropriate, education, monitoring, mentoring, life skills training, assessment, job skills development, and mental health and substance abuse treatment.

These are community-based transition programs designed to facilitate re-entry and assist ex-offenders in the areas of education, substance abuse treatment, job training, etc.

Community-based transition programs

  • Work with youth court participants before and immediately following their release from detention center or probation youth.
  • Services include education, monitoring, mentoring, life-skills training, assessment, job-skills development, and mental health and substance abuse treatment

Phase 3—Sustain and Support: Community-Based Long-Term Support Programs

These programs will connect individuals who have left the supervision of the justice system with a network of social services agencies and community-based organizations to provide ongoing services and mentoring relationships.

These programs are community-based and provide long-term support to the court involved youth. 

  • These programs in the community are designed to facilitate re-entry and assist youth in the areas of education, substance abuse treatment, job training, etc.
  • Connect individuals who have left the supervision of the justice system to a network of social services agencies and community-based organizations
  • Youth receive ongoing services and mentoring relationships